Starsky’s had a rough old time this last couple of weeks. A naughty neighbourhood cat decided to chase him. Starsky, not being a streetwise moggy, fled. The result was a bite on the bum for our boy that soon developed into a large egg-shaped abscess right on the base of a floppy tail. Ouch, there was no cat sitting for Starsky for a while!
Three visits to Westway Vets, a vet collar, plenty of medication and daily cleansing later means he’s almost back to his old self again. His tail is a bit lop-sided and we don’t know if it will ever be the same again as there may be nerve damage. He’s on a strict curfew for now but being the great escapologist that he is, he’s broken through the cordon already. The cliché ‘once bitten twice shy’ clearly does not apply here. He does have a rather more confrontational brother in Hutch to look after him. They were both rescue kittens from PARRT in Northumberland five years ago and they’ve grown up together with plenty of brotherly love.
It also happens to be Starsky’s Mam’s birthday today so he’s celebrating by trying to break into the edibles and drinkables among her presents. He may have been poorly but I’m not too sure he’ll have any luck there. Julie is guarding them like Gollum and the ring (no physical resemblance implied obviously!).
I think I might sneak him a treat or two. I think he deserves it.